The school year is fast approaching and many might have gathered for new clothes and supplies for your child. But, how are you doing with your child’s back to school health checklist?

Checklist Tips:

  • Sleep Schedule:
    When students aren’t in school they tend to stay up late and sleep in. Maintain a school sleep schedule a week in advance to practice getting your child for bed early and waking them up at a time they need to get ready for school. This will ensure that they are not exhausted nor miss the first few days of school.
  • Immunizations:
    If your child is not up-to-date on vaccinations, schedule an appointment with his/her pediatrician to ensure that your child is as protected as possible from preventable diseases. It’s also not too early to get your child flu vaccine. Flu season begins in October so getting the vaccine before is advisable.
  • Practice Road Safety:
    Especially if your child is walking or biking to school, make sure you practice proper road safety (looking both ways and walking on the sidewalk when available). Children aged 5-14 are the most likely pedestrians to be injured car accidents.
  • Lunch Ideas:
    Switch juices and soda with water and substitute white bread for whole-grain to increase fiber. Pack your child’s lunch to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need.
  • Exercise:
    When children are in school, physical activity is generally required through P.E. classes or organized sports. Make sure to keep your child active throughout the summer.  Limiting screen time is one way to get your child outside and active.
  • Create a Sick Day Plan:
    Do you have a plan set if your child wakes up sick? Have a list of contacts for childcare during the day if you are unable to stay home.
  • Prepare for Emergency Medication:
    If your child has allergies or medical conditions that may require the urgent administration of medication, make sure that the school nurse has that medication on hand and a note from you with your consent to administer it to your child.

Your child’s first month of school can be challenging for you, too! Taking steps like sleep schedule and planning for sickness or emergencies can take a huge strain off of the first weeks of school. Additionally, us these back to school health checklist and getting back into school will be a breeze!